Why choose Roll for Therapy & other information

Why Tabletop Roleplaying Therapy Groups for Neurodivergent and ADHD Youth?

Therapeutically-Applied Roleplaying Groups (TARPGs) offer an innovative and effective approach to therapy (proven through research!), especially for ASD, Anxiety, Depression, Neurodivergent and ADHD youth aged 8 through 18. These groups provide a dynamic alternative to traditional talk therapy by allowing participants, or "Adventurers," to create and embody characters of their own design. These characters can mirror the Adventurers’ own traits or explore entirely new personas, providing a unique platform for self-expression and exploration. Plus, it's just more fun!

Research link: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/13623613241275260

What is Dungeons & Dragons?

Dungeons & Dragons, or D&D, is a tabletop role-playing game that’s currently enjoying a resurgence in popularity, partly thanks to its portrayal in Netflix’s hit show Stranger Things. In D&D and other role-playing games like this, players assume the roles of heroes in a fantasy world, working together to solve puzzles, collect treasure, and defeat villains.

Unlike traditional board games, D&D is dynamic and unscripted. Players create a story together, making choices that influence the game's outcome. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure novel unfolding in real time, offering endless possibilities for creativity and connection.

The Dungeon Master directs the game based on the players' choices. At Roll for Therapy, the Game Master incorporates challenges and situations based on the players' needs.

The Power of Storytelling

Under the guidance of an experienced Game Master, Adventurers navigate challenges within the game world that parallel real-life issues they face. This storytelling approach helps them build problem-solving skills, boost confidence, and enhance social interactions, all within a supportive and engaging environment.

Why Choose Our TARPG Groups?

Roll for Therapy is led by therapists and interns who specialize in neurodiversity-affirming care. It is different from traditional TTRPGs in that the adventures are guided based on the player’s therapeutic needs. Our team is not only skilled in therapy but also passionate about tabletop role-playing games, ensuring a rich and authentic experience for every participant.

Our Diverse and Understanding Team

Our neurodiverse and nerdy team of therapists and interns truly understands the unique experiences of neurodivergent youth. We celebrate individuality and encourage participants to bring their unique interests, quirks, and perspectives to the table. Whether it’s your love for fandoms, bursts of inspiration, quiet moments, or even anxiety and excitement, you are welcome here.

Benefits of Roll for Therapy for Kids

Our Roll for Therapy groups offer numerous benefits for kids and teens, especially those feeling isolated, depressed, or in need of social skills development. Participants can gain:

**Increased self-confidence and self-esteem**

**Assertive communication skills**

**Flexible and creative thinking**

**Negotiating and group problem-solving skills**

**Practice with turn-taking and sharing**

**Improved impulse control**

**Better understanding of nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions, voice tone, and body language**

Join Us

Our TARPG groups offer a safe space for neurodivergent and ADHD youth to explore, learn, and grow. Join us and discover the magic of role-playing therapy.